Our pib@school program offers schools an easy way to teach young STEM talents all about 3D printing and robotics. We are excited to see that more and more schools are becoming interested in being part of the program.
However, our very first cooperation that kickstarted the whole project was with the Hans-Sachs-Gymnasium in Nuremberg, Germany. The class has been printing, building and developing pib since the beginning of the current schoolyear in September 2022. With the school year coming to an end, they have made great progress so far. Students and teachers alike have been very enthusiastic about working on their very own humanoid robot.
This sparked the interest of the local press here in our hometown of Nuremberg. We proudly present a newspaper article by the Nürnberger Nachrichten about our pib@school program. Supporting young STEM talents in learning about future topics such as robotics and 3D printing is a project close to our hearts so with this, we hope to be able to reach more schools. Not just schools within Germany can participate – anyone is welcome to join our program.
If you are interested in our pib@school program, you can find more info here or send us an email at team@pib.rocks. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!