Collaborative Development

How all of us together can develop a humanoid robot

Collaborative Development

How all of us together can develop a humanoid robot

Let’s Shape The Future Together!

We develop pib in Onshape, the CAD platform of our choice.
When designing and naming new parts of pib, please keep our Design Guide in mind.

Why Onshape?

Onshape is a cloud-native development platform. No installation, updates or other files required – all you need is a web browser and an Internet connection.

Free Maker Access

Onshape offers special maker access. This allows you to work on pib in a professional environment for free. With that, you’ll be on your way to pib!

Free Webinar

In our webinar we explain how you can use Onshape to contribute to the further development of pib. If you missed it, you can watch it on demand.

How do I get to the pib-CAD?

pib is public, that means every registered user can see and copy it. On your Onshape homepage you can search for public documents on the left, select “Public” and enter “pib” in the search bar at the top. Our document will appear in the list on the right.

Now it’s easy: Double click on pib and you’re there! Take your time to look at our document; the document is initially only open for reading and nothing can happen unintentionally.

Design Guide for Developing pib

What opportunities are there to work on pib?

Working on your own pib

If you want to try and change something, you can copy our pib document. In the open pib document there is a blue button “Make a copy to edit” at the top, click on it and you have an editable own version of the document in your workspace!

Your copy is detached from our pib document, so nothing can happen here either. You can try and make changes as you like. Happy designing!

Contribute to our official pib document

We hope that pib will be further developed by a creative and enthusiastic community. Co-development is done in our official pib document.

In order for you as a developer to be able to make changes to the document, we have to add you to our project. With great power comes great responsibility 😃 Before we add you, we’d like to get to know you a little. Please write a short email to and we will definitely get back to you.

Why an open source robot?

For us, pib is more than a robot, pib is a community project, a platform with which we can learn and benefit from each other. The more members we have, the more different experiences are incorporated, the better we can develop our robot. Everyone is invited to contribute ideas, work on proposals, and bring our robot project forward step by step. That’s why we thought of something special for the development of pib: We work collaboratively using a CAD program to which Maker is granted free access. This should make it as easy as possible to join our robot community, so that everyone can eventually have their own humanoid robot at home.