We are proud winners in the idea competition “Gemeinsam wird es KI” (“Together, we make it AI”) by the Civic Innovation Platform.
With our idea “AI made easy – simply understanding and using AI applications”, we convinced the jury of its benefits and value. Our goal is to expand our humanoid robot with an AI module so that users can not only build and program pib, but also give it AI skills. This will help even beginners understand and use Artificial Intelligence.
The Civic Innovation Platform is a project run by the Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Germany. Its goal is to promote development and usage of AI that is centered on humans and oriented toward the common good.
On June 5th, we received the award at the re:publica in Berlin from Secretary of State Nermin Fazlic. We are very proud of this achievement and would like to thank our partners for supporting us on the way: The Hans-Sachs-Gymnasium in Nuremberg, the Gymnasium Ernestinum in Coburg and the Jugendmedienzentrum Connect in Fürth. They have been implementing pib as a project for young STEM talents to gather hands-on experience on the topics of robotics, 3D printing and AI as part of our pib@school program. With their help, we have been able to continuously bring forward and advance the components and instructions required to make this project successful.
We are excited to put the idea to use and make it available to anyone interested as soon as possible.