System Hardening for Humanoid Robots

We have pib.tastic news: Our humanoid robot pib can now be secured against cyberattacks using system hardening. pib runs on Ubuntu Linux, ROS2 and Rosbridge Server by default. For our open source project, we need exactly the kind of flexibility that this open architecture offers. However, as it also brings with it potential security risks, FB Pro GmbH has now created a hardening script that can arm pib against attacks. But what exactly does system hardening mean, why is it so important and, above all, how does it all work?

What does system hardening mean?

System hardening, also known as secure configuration, refers to the process of securing computer systems. Potential vulnerabilities are eliminated and security mechanisms are strengthened. System hardening is primarily about minimizing the risk of cyberattacks by deactivating unused services and restricting access rights. This measure is particularly crucial in robotics: humanoid robots are often connected to networks and interact with sensitive environments, whether in industry, healthcare or private households. Robust system hardening ensures that the robot is protected against unauthorized access and can work reliably in its intended function. This ensures that it remains stable and trustworthy even in safety-critical scenarios.

How was system hardening done with pib?

FB Pro GmbH has taken over the system hardening for pib. FB Pro is one of the leading IT service providers in the field of system hardening and the only developer of hardening tools in Europe.

When developing the hardening script, the FB Pro team used the CIS Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS Benchmark v2.0.0 as a guide. The recommendations of the Center for Internet Security (CIS) provide a solid basis for securing Linux systems at a professional level. For the integration on the pib robots, the CIS-L1 standard was largely adopted and individually adapted where necessary. After implementing the pib hardening script – the instructions are available on GitHub – the robots remain fully functional. At the same time, they are now more secure and better protected against cyber attacks.

A humanoid robot fit for mission-critical infrastructure?

For pib, the successful system hardening is a big step forward. Our humanoid robot is increasingly being used in schools and educational institutions to provide young STEM talents with practical learning experiences in the fields of robotics and AI. It is also very popular in the maker scene and in the private sector. People are busy tinkering and working on our open-source robot to keep developing pib further. We are convinced that this step is the right one to ensure a safer use of pib for students, teachers and private individuals alike. However, system hardening also enables pib to be used in completely different areas. Our community is constantly coming up with new ideas and projects that expand and improve the functions of pib. Recently, for example, we tested the possible uses of pib as a farm helper as part of a hackathon. So why not use pib for critical infrastructures in the future? Automation in the critical infrastructure sector is advancing all the time and offering people more and more freedom and opportunities. Here, pib would also be conceivable as support. The prerequisite for this is the highest possible system security. Thanks to system hardening, there are now virtually no limits to our humanoid robot. Do you have any questions about system hardening for robots? Or would you like to support us in the further development of pib? Have a look at our Discord server! In our active community, you will find answers or maybe even your very own project.

Published On: October 21st, 2024