Robotics and 3D Printing in Education at the DigiLLab FAU

DigiLLab Inspiration Day: Robotics and 3D Printing in Education

How can robotics and 3D printing be effectively integrated into everyday school life? And what skills do teachers need to use these technologies in a didactically meaningful way? These questions were at the center of the DigiLLab Inspiration Day at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. The event brought together experts, students, and educators to discuss innovative teaching methods and forward-looking educational approaches. We from the pib team were also there to gather exciting insights for our project and share our experiences.

Inspiring Keynote on Future Technologies

Recently, we accepted the invitation from the DigiLLab at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and experienced an enriching day full of professional exchange, new impulses, and valuable insights for our project.

The event kicked off with an inspiring keynote by Prof. Dr. Theo Hug from the University of Innsbruck on the topic of “Future Technologies and Their Importance for Teacher Education.” He emphasized the central role that robotics and AI will play in the future of education and encouraged critical reflection on educational technologies, assistive applications, and robots as teachers.

Insights into the pib Project at FAU

Afterwards, students and lecturers presented the pib project at FAU. They provided insights into their work processes and shared the challenges and successes they had experienced throughout the project. The valuable learning process through creative problem-solving and collaborative teamwork was particularly highlighted. The statement, “You develop an almost emotional attachment to the printed parts,” is something we at the pib team can strongly relate to.

Practical Experience from Everyday School Life

A hands-on report by Anja Eckstein from Hans-Sachs-Gymnasium Nuremberg, one of our two pilot schools for the pib project, illustrated how competency- and action-oriented learning can be practically implemented in everyday school life. The feedback was clear: The pib approach is pioneering and offers real added value for both teachers and students.

Discussion on Digital Competencies

The event concluded with an engaging panel discussion featuring Dr. Matthias Ehmann (University of Bayreuth – Digital Teaching & Learning and Didactics of Computer Science), Florian Seidel (Youth Media Center Connect Fürth), and our pib visionary Jürgen Baier. The experts discussed the importance of digital competencies, the role of self-effective learning, and the challenges of implementing innovative teaching methods.

Conclusion: The Future of Competency-Based Learning

The event impressively demonstrated that competency-based and project-based learning should be an essential part of teacher education. pib@fau has proven that sustainable learning experiences can be created through creativity, teamwork, and technological innovation.

Many thanks to DigiLLab for the invitation! Those who want to learn more about the pib@FAU project can find exciting insights on their blog.

Published On: February 27th, 2025